Financial Representatives of Australian National Churches

Australia’s leading forum for church finance representatives

The purposes of FRANC

Collaboration & innovation

Facilitate collaboration and innovation amongst church business leaders

Sharing best practice

Facilitate the sharing of best practice

Networking & support

Provide an avenue for networking and mutual support

Membership of FRANC

Membership of FRANC is open to Directors and Senior Executives of Australian church business units. These may include administrators of development funds, insurance schemes, investment or funds management, property management, information technology, procurement and so on.

The formation of FRANC

A National Heads of Churches gathering in 2017 recommended finance representatives gather to discuss regulatory changes impacting the church finance sector, and to explore possible collaboration. The first FRANC meeting was held in October 2017. Small group workshops identified a number of focus areas prioritised for collaboration. A second FRANC gathering held in March 2018 included group discussions on property development, finance and insurance.

Hopes for FRANC

FRANC might provide a united voice to government and regulators on the distinctive needs of the church finance and business sector. FRANC holds potential for a number of specialist offshoots. Church insurance representatives are currently discussing their own forum in which to explore collaboration. Church development fund representatives are having initial discussions on forming a church-based ADI. Property services, and sharing IT platforms are other areas of potential collaboration for church business units.

Warmly supported by

FRANC is warmly supported by the National Council of Churches in Australia.

our Steering Committee

Stuart Campbell, Matthew Cassin, Ross Smith, John McComb

FRANC Conference 2024

17 October 2024

Sydney NSW

A networking day for church funds in Australia to share about strategic opportunities and regulatory and operating issues.


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